Counselling Services

Mental Health Services
The PCN Mental Health team consists of PCN Therapists whom provide brief therapy to youth and adult patients of Wetaskiwin PCN family doctors.
Here are a few Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
How will counselling help?
Teaches new coping tools to deal with stressful life events
Provides a supportive environment to talk about difficult things without feeling judged
Assists with referrals and connects you to community supports
What kind of things can I talk about?
Common session topics include:
Grief and loss
Caregiver burnout/support
Stress management
Symptoms of anxiety or depression
Adjustment to life transitions
Healthy boundaries/communication
Emotional regulation
Should I see the Therapist?
Once a referral is received, you will be contacted by a PCN staff member to book your first appointment. This intake appointment is 30 minutes in length and gives you and the practitioner an opportunity to discuss your intentions for therapy and to determine if we are able to meet your needs or if a further referral is necessary. If it is determined that we are a good match for assisting you, then we typically offer brief therapy (3-5 sessions) that are 1 hour in length.
How Do I Sign Up?
Speak with your family Physician or Primary Care Nurse or PCN
Multi-disciplinary team member to request a referral.
If you have questions, please call the Wetaskiwin Primary Care Network office at 780.312.2500
Currently not available
12:00 to 4:30 pm
Tuesday - Thursday
1:00 to 4:30 pm
* Note: A limited number of spots are available on walk-in counselling days, and are on a first-come-first-served basis.
Crisis Lines:
Addiction Helpline ………………………....................1-866-332-2322
Brigantia Place—Camrose Women’s Shelter (24 hr)..1-877-672-1010
Main Line…………………………………...................….780-672-1035
Bullying Help Line ……………………….....................1-888-456-2323
Child Abuse Hot Line.. …….....................…....1-800-387-KIDS (5437)
Distress/Suicide Line………..………………............…1-800-232-7288
Elder Abuse Intake Line…….…………....................…..780-477-2929
Ermineskin Women’s Shelter…………..........................780-585-4444
Family Violence Info Line …………….....................…...780-310-1818
Health Link Alberta ……………………..................…..1-866-408-5465
Income Support Contact Centre…........................….1-866-644-5135
Kids Help Phone ………………..….................…….…1-800-668-6868
Mental Health Help Line ………….......................……1-877-303-2642
Poison Control Centre/Children’s Safety............….…1-800-332-1414
Complaint Line…………………………….......................780-312-7276
Seniors’ Abuse Helpline……….………....................…..780-454-8888
Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton Crisis Line........1-780-423-4121
Sexual Assault Support Centre……......................…1-866-956-1099
Sexual Assault Centre-U of A Crisis Line…......……….780-492-9771
Teens/Kids Helpline …….…........................ 1-800-668-6868 (TEEN)
Victim Services….…….…………..........................…….780-312-7287
Wetaskiwin Hospital…………….…...............................780-361-7100