How often should you have a Pap Test
How often should you have a Pap Test? The screening interval has been extended for many women with negative screening histories, while...

What Kind of Hungry Are You
by Amanda Leendeertse Historically, the body’s physiological hunger response has defined what it means to be hungry. In today’s modern...

Why and When to have a Pap Test
by Erin Switzer Did you know that more than 45 types of HPV (human papillomavirus) are transmitted by intimate sexual contact? Persistent...

Have a Healthy New Year
2015 is here and so are the resolutions. You want to lose weight after you’ve stuffed yourself like the turkey you ate over the holidays,...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Wetaskiwin PCN Your health is important. Have a happy and healthy holiday season. The PCN is...

Top 10 Tips for Holiday Eating
Top Ten Tips for Holiday Eating by Amanda Leendertse (Dietitian) Don’t let your healthy habits go out the window with the holiday...

November is Diabetes Awareness Month
November is Diabetes Awareness Month! With more than 20 people being newly diagnosed with the disease every hour of every day, chances...

Doctors are Writing Prescriptions to Get Active
Patients wanting to increase their physical activity and improve their health can now get a prescription to help encourage them. Primary...
City has Great Support for Parents (Wetaskiwin Times Article)
(Posted in the Wetaskiwin Times) Tuesday, June 17, 2014 1:14:30 MDT PM Dear Editor: Last summer we were blessed with a wonderful baby...
Banana Chocolate Muffins
Ingredients 1 3/4 cup all purpose flour 1/2 cup whole wheat flour (or oat bran) 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp ground...