Frequently Asked Questions...
1. What if I don’t have a Doctor?
We can help...Give us a call or stop in and we’ll help you connect to a Family Doctor.
To contact us, click here:Contact Us
2. What services and programs does the PCN provide?
The Wetaskiwin PCN offers the following services:
To learn more about the services we offer, click here: Wetaskiwin PCN Programs
3. What Doctors are a part of the PCN?
There are currently 34 Doctors in Wetaskiwin from four clinics who are part of the Wetaskiwin PCN. Click here
for additional information: Wetaskiwin Physicians
4. What if I don’t live in Wetaskiwin?
The Wetaskiwin PCN is here to serve the residents of the city of Wetaskiwin and the county of
Wetaskiwin – for example: Millet, Gwynne, Alder Flats, Pigeon Lake, Falun, Maskwacis but is not limited to
those listed. If there is a PCN in your area that can better serve you, we can help connect you. If your
Physician belongs to another PCN in another city, please contact them for services available to you. For
additional information, click here: About Wetaskiwin PCN
5. What does it cost for your services?
The services are free as long as you hold a valid Alberta Health Care Card. If you do not you have an Alberta
Health Care Card, contact the Wetaskiwin PCN office and we will assist you with this.
6. What does it cost to participate in your workshops?
The workshops offered through the Wetaskiwin PCN are free as long as you hold a valid Alberta Health Care
Card. To learn more click here: Workshops
7. I’m pregnant who do I need to call?
If you know you’re pregnant, please call the Wetaskiwin PCN to arrange your prenatal appointment. Thursdays,
we offer a prenatal clinic for those pregnant up to 24 weeks. We then will refer you to your delivering physician
of choice. Tuesdays, we host Dr. Badawi’s prenatal clinic. If you are unsure if you are pregnant, we can
perform a pregnancy test with immediate results. To learn more, click here: Prenatal Clinic
8. What is your policy on patient privacy?
Ensuring patient confidentiality is very important to us. All of our staff follow our confidentiality agreement and
are educated on privacy awareness and health information act for PCNs. All staff sign a confidentiality oath.
9. Who can I talk to if I have more questions?
You may call or come in to get your questions answered from one of our qualified healthcare professionals.
Click here to learn more: Contact us
10. Where are you located?
The Wetaskiwin PCN is located at 5010C – 48 Street in Wetaskiwin (East Gate Mall off Main St.)
Click here to see a map: Location