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How often should you have a Pap Test


How often should you have a Pap Test?

The screening interval has been extended for many women with negative screening histories, while some women should continue to screen annually.

Who should have a Pap test? How frequently?

All Women age 21 (or 3 years after Once a year until 3 negative results

first sexual encounter, whichever (within 5 years) and then every 3 years.

comes first) to age 69.

Women >69 screened infrequently. Until 3 consecutive negative results in the

last 10 years then discontinue.

Women who’ve had a hysterectomy Ask your healthcare provider.

Women who have other health- Ask your healthcare provider

related issues.

For women under 21: Interactions with health care providers may still be necessary for STI screening and HPV vaccination.

If in doubt, ask your healthcare provider. The Wetaskiwin PCN offers the Women's Clinic Wednesdays, 9:00 to 4:30 p.m. You can get your Pap test done by a female physician. Call 780.312. 2500 for more information.

For more information you can visit: or visit the Wetaskiwin PCN for more information.

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